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Advanced Radar for Meteorological and Operational Research

The Advanced Radar for Meteorological and Operational Research is a WSR-74 radar. It was originally operated by the National Weather Service, and it was donated to the University of Alabama in Huntsville in 2002. It has been upgraded multiple times since its deployment in 1977. It was upgraded with Doppler capabilities in 1991 and dual polarimetric capabilities in 2004.

NASA's DC-8 flying laboratory passes Antarctica's tallest peak, Mount Vinson, on Oct. 22, 2012, during a flight over the continent to measure changes in the massive ice sheet and sea ice. Credit: NASA/Michael Studinger (Photography courtesy NASA Images)

Instrument Details

Earth Science > Spectral/engineering > Radar > Doppler Velocity
Earth Science > Spectral/engineering > Radar > Radar Reflectivity
Earth Science > Spectral/engineering > Radar > Radial Velocity > Mean Radial Velocity
Earth Science > Spectral/engineering > Radar > Radar Imagery
Full Column Profile
0.4-2.0 μs
1 km, 0.5 km
5625 MHz
Currently unavailble
  • Currently unavailable

  • Lawrence Carey

  • Enterprise Electronics Corporation, Baron


  • Currently unavailable