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Flugzeug Synthetic Aperture Radar

The airborne F-SAR instrument developed by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) was designed as an upgraded implementation of the E-SAR instrument to include multiple wavelengths as well as higher spatial resolutions. The F-SAR instrument contains 5 fully polarimetric wavelengths at the X-, C-, S-, L- and P-bands. It can measure at off-Nadir angles between 22 and 55 degrees at maximum altitudes of 6000m above ground level. The F-SAR currently flies on-board the DO228 aircraft.

NASA's DC-8 flying laboratory passes Antarctica's tallest peak, Mount Vinson, on Oct. 22, 2012, during a flight over the continent to measure changes in the massive ice sheet and sea ice. Credit: NASA/Michael Studinger (Photography courtesy NASA Images)

Instrument Details

Earth Science > Land Surface > Land Use/land Cover
Earth Science > Terrestrial Hydrosphere > Glaciers/ice Sheets > Glaciers
Earth Science > Biosphere > Ecological Dynamics > Fire Ecology > Fire Occurrence
Earth Science > Spectral/engineering > Radar > Radar Backscatter
Land Surface
This data will be added in future versions
9.60 GHz, 5.30 GHz, 3.25 GHz, 1.325 GHz, 0.35 GHz
External Link
  • Ralf Horn

  • This data will be added in future versions

  • Microwaves and Radar Institute of the German Aerospace Center

  • DLR

  • External LinkOverview Publication


Dornier 228

1 Campaign · 1 Instrument


Gabon tropical forests
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1 Deployment
· 11 Data Products