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Microorifice Uniform Deposit Impactor

The Microorifice Uniform Deposit Impactor (MOUDI) is an in situ airborne or ground-based sampler developed by the MSP Corporation. It is an eight-stage impactor used for high-accuracy aerosol sampling for gravimetric or chemical analysis. MOUDI has a sample flow rate of 30 liters per minute and can sample particles in the size range of 0.056-18 µm. It is used for applications such as air pollution research, engine emission testing, and aerosol analysis.

NASA's DC-8 flying laboratory passes Antarctica's tallest peak, Mount Vinson, on Oct. 22, 2012, during a flight over the continent to measure changes in the massive ice sheet and sea ice. Credit: NASA/Michael Studinger (Photography courtesy NASA Images)

Instrument Details

Earth Science > Atmosphere > Aerosols
Earth Science > Atmosphere > Aerosols > Aerosol Particle Properties
N/A Link
  • Currently unavailable

  • Currently unavailable

  • MSP Corporation

  • Department of Energy, Electric Power Research Institute, U.S. Department of Interior's Mineral Institutes program

  • Overview PublicationExternal Link


Pacific 2001 Air Quality Study

Lower Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Canada
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1 Deployment
· 8 Data Products