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Microwave Temperature and Humidity Profiler

The Microwave Temperature and Humidity Profiler (MTHP) is a microwave radiometer that measures two frequency bands at 60 GHz and 183 GHz to produce vertical profiles of temperature and humidity ahead of the aircraft. The MTHP builds on over three decades of Microwave Temperature Profiler (MTP) operation at JPL, where the MTP has logged over 5500 flight hours of various aircraft.

NASA's DC-8 flying laboratory passes Antarctica's tallest peak, Mount Vinson, on Oct. 22, 2012, during a flight over the continent to measure changes in the massive ice sheet and sea ice. Credit: NASA/Michael Studinger (Photography courtesy NASA Images)

Instrument Details

Currently unavailble
Earth Science > >
Information not Identified
This data will be added in future versions
This data will be added in future versions
60 GHz, 183 GHz
Currently unavailble
  • Boon Lim

  • This data will be added in future versions

  • Currently unavailable

  • Currently unavailable

  • Currently unavailable

  • Currently unavailable