The Cessna 210 is a fixed-wing, single-engine, ultralight aircraft manufactured by Cessna. It has a maximum payload of 1,473 lbs and a maximum speed of 174 knots. The Cessna 210 can accommodate one crew member and up to five passengers. It was employed in the CLAMS campaign for the purpose of conducting atmospheric in-situ measurements.
The Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP) is an airborne, passive polarimeter developed by SpecTIR Corporation. It measures total radiance and linear polarization across 9 spectral bands in the visible and infrared wavelengths (410-2250 nm). These measurements can be used to derive aerosol and cloud properties. RSP has a time resolution of 0.8 seconds, a field of view of 14 mrad, and a horizontal resolution of about 100 m at an altitude of 5 km.